3 tips on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Having gone through 3 pregnancies and gaining a significant amount of weight with each, I’m no stranger to the woes of an increased waist line that takes some time and focus to get rid of. I’m in pretty good shape at this point but still have the excess skin that comes with gaining massive weight and then losing it. I’d need surgery to get rid of it all together. I sometimes look in the mirror and find myself pulling my stomach fat up to remind myself what me belly used to look like, but I also realize that it’s a reminder that I gave birth to three beautiful children that mean the world to me.

Alright.. enough cheesy stuff, here are my tips for reducing belly fat as much as possible.

  1. Run. Cardio is the best way to reduce excess fat and jogging is one of the most effective ways of doing this.  Running about 12 miles a week, which breaks down to only about 2 miles a day, has been proven to really amp up your metabolism and reduce body fat. If you’re not comfortable running any other exercise that gets your heart rate up is also effective, you just need to do more of it. I love walking and it’s such a great low impact workout, but you need to make time to do more of it if you really want to cut weight.
  2. Amp up the protein. I’m not a fan of diets that cut out carbs completely, they are essential for so many key bodily and mental functions, but I do think cutting back on carbs while mixing in more healthy protein in your diet is a good thing. Protein, carbs and fat are all essential components of your diet but you need to have the right ratio. According to Prevention Magazine, a break down of 30% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat, has been proven to significantly reduce body fat. Examples of healthy protein are white meat chicken and turkey, Salmon, lentils, almonds, organic whey protein…
  3. Strength training. Combining cardio and strength training is the best way to get that sleek, toned physique you crave. Strength training is not just great for target toning but also building muscle, boosting your metabolism and burning fat throughout the day. Here are some of my favorite abdominal exercises to really help tone that waistline: Bicycle crunches, planks, high knees ( I like this partially because your don’t have to lie down, but make sure your core is tight to get the full benefit), leg raises, side crunches and windmills (also a standing exercise).

If you have any questions please email me: hilary@ugobabyfitness.com 



Airports, frustration and a pig’s-head (fitness ties in here I swear!)


In my opinion, traveling by plane is the ultimate modern luxury. As Louis C.K. says, and I’m paraphrasing, “It used to take people 30 years to get from NY to California. They travelled by horse and buggy, they’d get dysentary. It would be a whole new group of people when they got there! Nowadays I watch a movie, take a dump and I’m there.” That pretty much sums it up, basically if you’re complaining about flying for ANY reason, you’re an asshole. That being said, and as much as I agree with Louis, I take full responsibility for being an asshole. I try my hardest to have patience and gratitude for the fact that I can fly somewhere in a fraction of the time it would take to drive, boat or take a horse and buggy, but there’s usually some point in my journey that I get frustrated and impatient with the process.

Patience, something I have very little of, is key to getting through airports without having a complete melt down. Especially when you’re in back of the people in the security line who have no idea what they’re doing, as if they haven’t been privy to any of the constant security changes that have occurred since 9/11. Or worse, someone who’s unaware of that the fact that they cannot bring a suitcase full of vegetation and a pig’s-head back to the States from Ecuador, per my husband’s experience.

A good way to spend your time in line at the airport, or anywhere for that matter, is to get a little exercise. I know most of you think this is a stupid idea and many of you will be too embarrassed to partake in this activity, but most people also don’t have a six pack and killer glutes, am I right? Point being that people with a great physique are willing to try things that they are not necessarily comfortable with because the result is worth it. Besides, my New Years resolution is to give “zero fucks” about what the average person thinks of me, so why not do lunges through the airport?

Here’s some ideas for discrete-ish exercises you can do.

1. Calf extensions.
2. Squats.
3. Single leg push backs.
4. Single leg side raises.
5. Stretches.


1. Bicep curls with your carry on, if weight prohibits.

2. Tricep dips using your seat at the gate for support.

Any other ideas??

Thanks for reading!!



8 to Great: Week 6

Hopefully you’ve gotten the swing of HIIT training and I hope you like it and are getting the full benefits. If you are doing this type of training consistently and giving it your all you will see results! That brings us to this weeks challenge…

1) Weight Training. This week I want to talk a little about the importance of muscle training. To get the full benefits of working out, tone up and slim down, you need to add weight training to your regimen. Doing this for just a few minutes a day will tremendously help increase your metabolism and weight loss. Included in the HIIT workouts I’ve been giving you is some weight training using your own body weight, that is part of the reason this type of exercise is so effective. But, if you want to really increase your results and get that six pack you always wanted you must do more focused exercises.

If you have no idea what exercises to do for each muscle group there are lots of videos on YouTube to help. I’ve been doing a lot of the Tone it Up workouts lately. You may know Kareena and Katrina from their show on Bravo. They have some really great, SHORT, videos that help you get “toned up”. 🙂 Here’s one for your legs and booty that’s terrific. Let me know how you like it at Hilary@ugobabyfitness.com.

2) This weeks HIIT. Tabata format just like the previous weeks.

High Knees. (20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 rounds, total of 2 minutes.)

Squat with kick, right leg then left.




Lunge to kick. Right side then left.


8 to Great: Week 5

I’m sorry for slacking on the week 5 update! I went away with my parents and children for some sun and fun. I planned on updating while I was on vacation but decided my time with family was more important. This is a good time to talk about how taking breaks are so important and necessary.

The boys and I vacationing in Florida

The boys and I vacationing in Florida

1) Part one of this weeks challenge is to take  break! And no, not from working out. 🙂

Mental congestion is a real thing … and it’s affecting us all, since our brains need downtime to process, sort and organize the massive amount of information many of us take in every day. Meditation can help, but breaks during the day are important too.”

“In a few days, you should start to notice your stress levels decrease a bit, and also your productivity and creativity increase. When the brain is given time off, it can return to task more efficiently. Research also says that you will make more ethical decisions, and better ones, since your brain will have incubation time, which allows you to be a smarter dot-connector.”

Studies show that those who take lunch  breaks and vacation regularly instead of working at their desk and saving those days off for emergencies only are far more productive, creative and add more value than people who do not take that much-needed time off. This week I would like you to monitor your breaks to see how much down time you are actually giving yourself and then try to improve on it, making sure that A) you are giving yourself enough free time and B) you are using that free time wisely. For example, don’t use that free time to play video games or read depressing news. Do things to actually clear your head like meditate, workout, perform yoga poses, take a walk, or read some uplifting literature. There are lots of books out there on how to think more positively that can be helpful, like Wayne Dyers “The Power of Intention“.

2) Plan for warm weather exercise. Now that the weather is getting nicer think about what you will do for exercise come the summer months. Hiking, biking, swimming in the ocean etc… It’s so much easier staying fit when the weather is nice isn’t it!?? Even going for a jog outside can be enjoyable in the right environment, far better than the treadmill! Plan some cool trails to check out, maybe even plan on healthy picnics along the way.

3) Workout. This weeks HIIT is as follows: (20 seconds on 1o second off for each exercise)

– Skaters with single leg squat. Modification: Step side to side instead of jumping.

skater to single leg squat

– Kick to a punch, right side for 10 seconds and then left for 10 seconds.

kick to a punch

Take a one minute break.

– Plank tucks. Modifications: Jump in and out for more intensity step in and out for less.



– Steam engines. Modifications: Jump side to side to increase intensity, step to decrease.


Please feel free to ask any questions in the comments section or email me at: Hilary@ugobabyfitness.com


Hilary Ann Lambert

8 to Great slim down challenge: Week 4

running buddy

Spring is finally here! I hope you are starting to see results from the weekly diet and workout challenges I’ve been posting. If you are genuinely following along and doing the workout at least 3 times a week you will see results.

Here’s this weeks challenge:

1) Find a workout buddy. Studies show that people who have friends they workout with are much more likely to get themselves to the gym or go for that jog then those who don’t. I even found a couple of applications that helps you find someone in your area with similar workout interests to partner with.

1) SportPartner.com

2) ExerciseFriends.com

If you use one of these sites or have used them please let me know if you had any success and if you have advice or tips on how to get the most out of using these sites.

2) Bag you snacks. Get a box of zip lock bags and portion out your snacks for the day / week. I suggested planning your meals ahead of time, this is a great way to plan your snacks and make sure you aren’t over doing it and a good way to make sure you’re not buying to many packaged good that are full of preservatives and other junk that isn’t good for you. If you are having trouble thinking of healthy snacks here are 100 ideas I found…

100 Healthy Snack Ideas

3) Workout. Here’s this weeks challenge. Again, this is an HIIT workout in Tabata format (2o seconds on, 10 seconds rest for for reps each exercise)

Round 1

1)Squat with medicine ball (if you don’t have a medicine ball substitute with some dumbbells or a few books). For this exercise you are going to squat down as far as you can, holding the medicine ball with both hand in between your legs, arms straight. Come up and swing your arms up over head ball in hands.


2) Plank with leg raise. Get into standard plank position and raise one leg off the ground then switch. If this is too difficult, knees on the floor and raise.

plank with side taps

Rest for one minute.

Round 2

1) Box jumps. Modification: Step ups.


2) Planks with side taps. Again, in standard plank position, tap one foot out then switch. Modification: Bring it to your knees.

plank with taps

And relax…

Repeat this series at least once more, maximum 3 reps.

Let me know how you like this weeks workout and if you would like me to include anything for next weeks workout. I’m open to suggestions so please send them in!

Stay motivated, summers almost here!


Hilary Ann Lambert

8 to Great Slim Down Challenge: Week 3

How was this week for everyone? Have you been tracking your calories, working out, eating a healthy breakfast, meditating and finding ways to fit exercise in your day besides your scheduled workout?

Do you notice that these activities are all healthy habits that you are building upon each week? What healthy habits should we create this week?

1) Think of the world as a gym. For example, I must have run up and down my stairs 15 times this morning getting my children and myself ready for our day. Some might find this incredibly frustrating but if you think of all of the exercise you’re getting it makes it quite fulfilling! Try making this thought process a habit, whenever you are “forced” to do  more physical activity to accomplish anything in your day, don’t get angry or annoyed be happy that you are getting more of a workout, burning more calories and doing something really good for your heart.

It’s proven that those who have stairs in their house live longer. And you don’t have to have a house, there are stairs everywhere! Find some and start climbing! If you live in an apartment building take the stairs instead of the elevator. I used to live in a 5 story walk up in Boston’s South End. No elevator. I would walk 2 miles to work and still go to the gym. I didn’t complain about it, I loved it because I was in great shape!

2) Sign up for a local race for charity. Isn’t it great that you can be fit and philanthropic at the same time? Find a local race that you can commit to training for and will help motivate you in your goal to get healthy. If you’re not a runner there is walking, cycling and swimming races you can train for.

3) Workout! I’ve been giving you HIIT workouts to perform, but I simply ask that you get at least 30 minutes of real deal, concentrated exercise a week. Walking, running, yoga, pilates, cycling, swimming, Barre, hiking, whatever! I don’t care, just get of your behind and commit.

Here’s this weeks HIIT. (Tabata Format, download an application on your smartphone to keep time) I will also be posting a great abdominal exercise for you to perform at least twice this week.

 Squat hop. (20 seconds on 10 second break 4 intervals) Modifications: Add weights to intensify or simply squat without the hop for less intensity.

Bicycles. (20 seconds on 10 seconds off 4 intervals)

Take a 1 minute break.

Front and back lunges. (20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 intervals)

Step ups. (20 Seconds) Modification: Add weights for more intensity.

Repeat this workout up to 3 times. Once or twice will still give you a great workout so don’t be discouraged if you can only get through it once! It’s tough, that’s why it burns so many calories. You are building muscle with these workouts too which heightens your metabolism and keeps it going all day long, even when you are sleeping!! That’s why building muscle is so KEY to losing weight and keeping it off.

Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions on how to live a healthier / happier lifestyle.


Hilary Ann Lambert