3 tips on how to get rid of stubborn belly fat.

Having gone through 3 pregnancies and gaining a significant amount of weight with each, I’m no stranger to the woes of an increased waist line that takes some time and focus to get rid of. I’m in pretty good shape at this point but still have the excess skin that comes with gaining massive weight and then losing it. I’d need surgery to get rid of it all together. I sometimes look in the mirror and find myself pulling my stomach fat up to remind myself what me belly used to look like, but I also realize that it’s a reminder that I gave birth to three beautiful children that mean the world to me.

Alright.. enough cheesy stuff, here are my tips for reducing belly fat as much as possible.

  1. Run. Cardio is the best way to reduce excess fat and jogging is one of the most effective ways of doing this.  Running about 12 miles a week, which breaks down to only about 2 miles a day, has been proven to really amp up your metabolism and reduce body fat. If you’re not comfortable running any other exercise that gets your heart rate up is also effective, you just need to do more of it. I love walking and it’s such a great low impact workout, but you need to make time to do more of it if you really want to cut weight.
  2. Amp up the protein. I’m not a fan of diets that cut out carbs completely, they are essential for so many key bodily and mental functions, but I do think cutting back on carbs while mixing in more healthy protein in your diet is a good thing. Protein, carbs and fat are all essential components of your diet but you need to have the right ratio. According to Prevention Magazine, a break down of 30% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fat, has been proven to significantly reduce body fat. Examples of healthy protein are white meat chicken and turkey, Salmon, lentils, almonds, organic whey protein…
  3. Strength training. Combining cardio and strength training is the best way to get that sleek, toned physique you crave. Strength training is not just great for target toning but also building muscle, boosting your metabolism and burning fat throughout the day. Here are some of my favorite abdominal exercises to really help tone that waistline: Bicycle crunches, planks, high knees ( I like this partially because your don’t have to lie down, but make sure your core is tight to get the full benefit), leg raises, side crunches and windmills (also a standing exercise).

If you have any questions please email me: hilary@ugobabyfitness.com 



Post baby abs and how feelings of insecurity can be useful.


I posted a picture of myself recently that got some very nice attention and compliments from family, friends and followers. I was also asked by a few people what I do to keep my abs in such good shape. I just had my third son, so I’m not without the imperfections of pregnancy. I do have stretch marks and skin that just won’t seem to go back into place. However, I don’t mind them, they are a sign of giving birth and a reminder of my three beautiful children.. blah blah blah…

Enough of the sentimental mooshy stuff, as much as I really do feel that way and think that embracing our imperfections is a must, this is something that’s very difficult to do.  I appreciate, love and accept who I am most of the time. However, there are times I look in the mirror and wish I didn’t have the lines on my stomach or the varicose veins that appear as I age. These feelings of insecurity are ok, even necessary, as long as you’re not consumed by them but instead use them as motivation to engage in a healthier lifestyle.

As far as ab workouts are concerned, and really all workouts, I like to mix it up. But, the staple of my workout, that I do almost every time I go to the gym is the Pilates 5. Pilates in general is an amazing core workout, in my mind the best. I started doing it after my first son was born and a trainer told me that pilates was the best core workout to strengthen your abs and really pull everything back into place after giving birth.

Here is a link to a short video where I demonstrate these 5 exercises. It includes my favorite workout song of the moment, so if you don’t care for the exercises you can simply listen to Rihanna belt out “This is What You Came For.”

Some notes on how to perform this workout:

First off, make sure you engage (tighten) your abs to protect your back while you perform each exercise. Also, your lower back should touch the mat, if it doesn’t modify your position so it does otherwise you risk injury.

The first move is the “100”; the intention is to hold the position shown while breathing in for 5 and out for 5 while pumping your arms 100x. Do this with your legs in table top position or for more of a challenge, straighten them. Whatever is most comfortable. I perform each move about 5 times each, I suggest doing 10- 20 reps. As an added bonus there are planks at the end, hold these positions for 30 seconds, or longer if you can!

Thanks for reading!



Slow and Steady wins the race…

I participated in a bootcamp class the other night. It was the first time I’d done one in a long time, since before I was pregnant with my 7 month old. It was intense but felt really good. Bootcamp fitness is a great way to get a full body workout and really get your metabolism going. Since you are constantly doing different movements at a high intensity your heart rate is up and down throughout the training which is the best way to burn calories and lose weight. Switching up movements keeps you body guessing which we all know is good from the “muscle confusion” trend that as so popular a few years ago

Here’s a sample bootcamp workout you can do almost anywhere. Go through the series doing each move for 60 seconds. Repeat this series 3 times. I’ve included videos on how to do some of the exercises that may not be familiar to some people.

1) Jogging in place kicking your feet back toward your glutes.

2) Burpies, here’s  a video that shows you how to do both a beginner version and an advanced…

3) High knees 

4) Jumping Lunges

5) Mountain Climbers

6) Planks (Mix it up!)

When you do a boot camp it’s good to push yourself but keep the workout about a pace you will be able to maintain until the end. Often times when I’m in a group fitness class the people around me over do it in the beginning and don’t last until the end of the class. It’s a good idea to start out slow and then work your way up to it’s maximum level of intensity. Many people keep themselves motivated in a bootcamp by considering it a competition and that’s good! But remember, slow and steady wins the race! My experience is that when I start out slow I’m beating everyone at  the end since they are taking multiple breaks just to get through the workout because they have expended all of their energy.

If you have any question please feel free to email me at hilary@ugobabyfitness.com. And as always, consult your doctor before doing this or any other workout.



Fit Fridays: List of top 5 Ab Exercises

It’s not as hard as you think to achieve that flat belly six-pack. Just a few minutes a day doing these 5 moves and you’ll get there in no time! That’s in addition to a healthy diet of course.

1) Pilates 100

Pilates 100, advanced position.

On your back knees bent, pull you head up toward your chest so you’re looking at your knees. Lift your legs up in bent position, for a more advanced pose straighten your legs toward the ceiling and at a 45 degree angle (like the picture above). Lift arms and pulses them up and down for 100 counts, breathing in for 5 pulses and out for 5.

2) Bicycles

Lie down, flat back. Lift your head toward your chest like in the previous exercise. Arms bent behind your head. Lift legs to a 45 degree angle and then pull one knee in toward the opposite elbow and switch. Repeat for 20 on each side.

3) Seated, Flat Bench Leg Pull-Ins

Just like in the picture, sit on angle with legs stretched out in front of you. Pull your legs in toward your belly really so that core strength so you don’t hurt your back. Then push legs out, and repeat. Do this for 10 to 20 reps or as many as you are comfortable with.

4) Planks, regular and side

5) Straight Leg Crunch

Lie on your back with legs straight up in the air, using your abdominal muscles push those legs straight up to the sky and lower down. Repeat for 10 to 20 reps. You can work your obliques by shimmying your butt from side to side on the floor.

Bonus move… s ide Jack knives

Just like in the picture, lie on your side and lift you elbow toward your knees and lower down. Repeat 10 to 20 times then switch sides.

Gift Idea…

Is someone you love escaping the cold weather for a warm, sunny vacation this winter? Then I have the perfect stocking stuffer for you to gift them…

Now more than ever it’s so important to protect ourselves from the damaging rays of the sun. The Essentials SPF 30 Body Sunscreen from Rodan + Fields Dermatologists is worth every penny as it give you the best coverage you can get!  You’re loved ones will be thanking you for thinking about the most important thing we have in life, their health!

“Formulated for all over the body use, ESSENTIALS SPF 30 Body Sunscreen is a lightweight, non-sticky and non-greasy broad spectrum sunscreen. It contains dimethicone to protect skin’s moisture barrier, antioxidant vitamins C and E to absorb damaging free radicals and anti-inflammatory ingredients to protect skin from environmental stress.”

We’d love to hear from you! What’s a healthy stocking stuffer you’ve giving someone this year?


Hilary Lambert

U Go Baby Fitness