Tips for getting fit in 2017.


So… it’s that time of year when everyone is making resolutions. Ok, not everyone, about 50% of the of people make them and guess how many keep and maintain them? 8%. And what’s the #1 New Year’s resolution? You got it, lose weight. interestingly, the 5th most popular resolution is to live a healthier lifestyle, which in my opinion, if you make living healthier a priority losing weight will come naturally.

I’m sort of digressing here, the point in writing this post is to give you some practical advice on how to lose weight. Well, here it is… make it your priority and lifestyle to eat well and exercise. I know, brilliant right! Obviously it’s easier said than done, but that’s pretty much the recipe for success. Here are a few ways that you can do this:

  1. Don’t submit to a fad diet or any diet where you lose weight but cannot maintain the same diet as a lifestyle. When you do this the result is that you gain the weight back plus 5 lbs. guaranteed. I’m not saying you have to eat as little as you did during the weight loss stage, but you should be able to maintain a similar, healthy diet post weight loss.
  2. Do your research on how to eat a healthy diet and calculate how many calories you should be consuming a day to both lose and maintaining weight. Shape Magazine has a simple equation on calories and weight loss. As far as nutrition, I will give you some tips in upcoming posts, but fruits, veggies, whole grains are all healthy and filling. You know the food that make you feel good and those that make you feel like crap. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from consuming things that cause fatigue and irritability. Natural foods, rich in nutrients will help you both have more energy and more focus making it easier to consume less, be active and stay on your weight loss path.
  3. Surround yourself with people who have similar goals and plan to workout together and trade diet and nutrition tips. Make a plan to meet with this person or people at least once a week, whether to workout together or just grab coffee and chat about your progress.
  4. Find an exercise class you love. I really enjoy cycling, yoga and Barre. Try out different classes, there are so many out there! If you go often enough you’ll get to know the instructors and patrons and forma little community that you will miss if you stop.
  5. Get a gym membership and use it!!!!! I know many people sign up for a membership and don’t ever go. I’ve been guilty of this practice in the past. Make an appointment for some personal training sessions, these can be expensive but well worth it. These trainers will show you how to use the equipment and give you an exercise regimen. You can simply see a trainer a few times to get the benefit of feeling more comfortable and motivated at the gym.
  6. Last but not least: download some kick ass workout music! Everyone has their own flavor of music that gets them going at the gym or out for a run. Take the time to research and put some great tracks on your iPhone. I personally enjoy EDM, or as we called it in my day, House Music. What’s your favorite music to workout to?

Was this article helpful? What is your game plan to lose weight and keep it off in 2017?



8 to Great: Week 6

Hopefully you’ve gotten the swing of HIIT training and I hope you like it and are getting the full benefits. If you are doing this type of training consistently and giving it your all you will see results! That brings us to this weeks challenge…

1) Weight Training. This week I want to talk a little about the importance of muscle training. To get the full benefits of working out, tone up and slim down, you need to add weight training to your regimen. Doing this for just a few minutes a day will tremendously help increase your metabolism and weight loss. Included in the HIIT workouts I’ve been giving you is some weight training using your own body weight, that is part of the reason this type of exercise is so effective. But, if you want to really increase your results and get that six pack you always wanted you must do more focused exercises.

If you have no idea what exercises to do for each muscle group there are lots of videos on YouTube to help. I’ve been doing a lot of the Tone it Up workouts lately. You may know Kareena and Katrina from their show on Bravo. They have some really great, SHORT, videos that help you get “toned up”. 🙂 Here’s one for your legs and booty that’s terrific. Let me know how you like it at

2) This weeks HIIT. Tabata format just like the previous weeks.

High Knees. (20 seconds on 10 seconds off for 4 rounds, total of 2 minutes.)

Squat with kick, right leg then left.




Lunge to kick. Right side then left.


8 to Great slim down challenge: Week 4

running buddy

Spring is finally here! I hope you are starting to see results from the weekly diet and workout challenges I’ve been posting. If you are genuinely following along and doing the workout at least 3 times a week you will see results.

Here’s this weeks challenge:

1) Find a workout buddy. Studies show that people who have friends they workout with are much more likely to get themselves to the gym or go for that jog then those who don’t. I even found a couple of applications that helps you find someone in your area with similar workout interests to partner with.



If you use one of these sites or have used them please let me know if you had any success and if you have advice or tips on how to get the most out of using these sites.

2) Bag you snacks. Get a box of zip lock bags and portion out your snacks for the day / week. I suggested planning your meals ahead of time, this is a great way to plan your snacks and make sure you aren’t over doing it and a good way to make sure you’re not buying to many packaged good that are full of preservatives and other junk that isn’t good for you. If you are having trouble thinking of healthy snacks here are 100 ideas I found…

100 Healthy Snack Ideas

3) Workout. Here’s this weeks challenge. Again, this is an HIIT workout in Tabata format (2o seconds on, 10 seconds rest for for reps each exercise)

Round 1

1)Squat with medicine ball (if you don’t have a medicine ball substitute with some dumbbells or a few books). For this exercise you are going to squat down as far as you can, holding the medicine ball with both hand in between your legs, arms straight. Come up and swing your arms up over head ball in hands.


2) Plank with leg raise. Get into standard plank position and raise one leg off the ground then switch. If this is too difficult, knees on the floor and raise.

plank with side taps

Rest for one minute.

Round 2

1) Box jumps. Modification: Step ups.


2) Planks with side taps. Again, in standard plank position, tap one foot out then switch. Modification: Bring it to your knees.

plank with taps

And relax…

Repeat this series at least once more, maximum 3 reps.

Let me know how you like this weeks workout and if you would like me to include anything for next weeks workout. I’m open to suggestions so please send them in!

Stay motivated, summers almost here!


Hilary Ann Lambert

Week 2 of the 8 to Great Slim Down Challenge!

How did week 1 go for you ladies? As a review, I asked you to count calories, find opportunities to squeeze exercise into your day and performing a tabata circuit that I provided to you 3 times a day for at least 2 days this week (admittedly this was a tough one to accomplish as getting through it once was difficult for me).

Last weeks challenge was about self-awareness. Counting calories shows you how much you are actually consuming per day and hopefully will help you find places that you can cut back. Finding new ways to squeeze exercise in your day is a great way to get into the habit of thinking of opportunities for you to get fit. And the tabata challenge was to show you that you can get an intense workout in a short period of time, and once you get started it’s easier to keep going. You just have to start!

Week 2:

1) Eat breakfast. Many people skip breakfast, including myself when I’m in a rush! Before I had children I skipped breakfast regularly. Now I realize how important it is to keeping me energized, less anxious and content throughout my day. The weight loss benefits of eating breakfast are that it kick starts your metabolism and will diminish overall hunger throughout the day.

Of course I want you to choose a healthy breakfast. An example, whole wheat toast, organic preserves, eggs whites, fruit, yogurt and granola.

2) Meditate for at least 2 minutes per day. This will provide you more clarity, awareness, good sense and the ability to take pause when necessary (like when you’re reaching for that cupcake). If you are thinking to yourself that you cannot find the time or place to meditate that is absolutely not true. That’s why I posted a picture of a woman in a board room meditating, obviouly I don’t expect you to so this but the point is that you can find the time and place to clear your head for two minutes. No excuses!

If you need pointers check out my post on how to meditate here.

3) Workout. This weeks routine is going to be another Tabata circuit. In fact all of them are and it should get easier for you each week as your strength builds and you see the pounds come off. I want you to perform this circuit at least 3 times this week, that’s the only way you will begin to see results.

This weeks routine has a focus on your thighs, booty and arms. However, all of my routines will be full body workouts.

To review, I want you to perform each move in this circuit for 20 seconds on 10 seconds off for a set of 4. A total of 2 full minutes for each move.  The entire circuit will take 10 minutes. After 10 minutes rest for 2 minutes then repeat the circuit if you can. Try to repeat it up 3 times. Remember that this is a great calorie burning session so push yourself!

1) Skaters. Modifications: Jump side to side for more intensity, if you would like less intensity step it.

2) Push ups. Modifications: For less intensity out your knees on the ground, for more intensity knees off the ground and try and lift one leg up for 10 seconds and then switch for 10.

After these 2 moves rest for one full minute and move on…

3) Jumping lunges. Modifications: Remove the jump and simply step and lunge.

jump lunge

4) Side to side planks.  Modification: Bring the plank to your knees and simply hold it for 20 seconds on one side, switch sides for the next 20 second interval.

That it! Good luck everybody! And let me know if you have any questions about diet or exercise at
Hilary Ann Lambert