My secret to stay in shape.

Fit body

Staying in optimal shape requires a strict workout regimen. Follow mine at least twice a week and let me know if you start getting the results you’re looking for.

As promised I’m going to share with you the secret to how I manage to stay in shape. Now, everyone is different so how I am able to get and stay in shape may not work for you. You need to be willing to try lots of different diet and exercise techniques to figure out what works for you.

For me it’s simple, and I’ve been preaching this for a long time. Mix up your exercise regiment. First off, you need to combine cardio and weight training exercises to get a svelte, toned look. Second, the muscle you build through target toning will boost your metabolism and keep your body burning calories throughout the day. And finally, it’s the best way to get and stay interested in exercise because you and your muscles won’t get bored.

Here’s the routine I follow about 3 times a week. I exercise almost everyday, whether running, walking or hiking with my kids, I’m always active. This is the routine I do when I can get to the gym and have a little more time and freedom.

Warm up. I always warm up on the elliptical machine for 10-20 minutes.

Strength training (10 minutes). This is always different. I mix in free weight training and body weight training where I target tone my arms, legs, abs, glutes and back.

Examples: Squats, Lunges, calf extensions, walking lunges, step ups…

4 minute Tabata. This is a high intensity interval workout in a 20-10 format that I’ve written about many times on the blog. Perform any exercise of your choosing at high intensity for 20 seconds an take a 10 seconds break for 4 minutes, then rest for a minute.

Example of a tabata HIIT

20 secs running in place, 10 secs break (2X)

20 secs jumping jacks, 10 secs rest (2X)

20 seconds jumping lounges, 10 secs break (2X)

20 secs burpees, 10 secs break (2X)

10 minute strength training. Again, target toning.

Examples: (with 3-10lb free weights) Bicep curls, tricep extensions, military press.

4 minute tabata.

10 minute strength training.

Examples: sit ups, crunches, side crunches, planks, bicycle crunches…

Finally, I run 1 to 2 miles.

This might seem like a lot but once you get going you’ll enjoy it and the time will fly I swear! If you have questions about specific exercise you can do to target tone  or exactly how to perform tabata please email me at

What’s your secret to staying in shape?



8 week slim down initiative…

I’m calling this fitness “plan” (or more like suggestions) “8 to Great!”. I want this to be a collaborative effort so please email me any thought or suggestions on how we can make this initiative really work for everyone.

I will officially start 8 to Great in 2 weeks, March 1, mark it on your calendars! That will give us 2 months to get really fit before the weather starts to get nice and we want to put on those short skirts and bathing suits.

Here’s how to get started, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3…

1) Follow my blog to get the weekly workouts, grocery lists and healthy recipes. I will also be creating challenges and contests where you will be entered to win prizes to help keep you motivated.

2) Like U Go Baby on Facebook for motivation and fit tips to keep you inspired. And feel free to post any fitness related comments, questions or pictures of your progress!


3) Join the U Go Baby Fitness group by clicking the icon below.  I want to foster and grow more U Go Baby Fitness meetup communities in your area to help you achieve your goals! is a place where you can meet people with the same goals as you, you can create meeting times to either workout or just talk about your fitness goals. It’s a great way to create a support system in your neck of the woods.

Please  email me any thoughts, suggestions, workouts or recipes to help make this an effective fitness initiative. Thanks everyone and I look forward to working out with you!


Hilary Ann Lambert